SSL52 Audience & Crowd Reactions


Author: Alvaro de Iscar & Barto Alcaine
Format: Dolby ATMOS, 5.1, Stereo, ambiX B-FORMAT AMBISONIC
Number of files: +160 files
Quality: 48Khz 24bit
Total Size: +9 Gb

100,00  VAT exc.

Introducing our latest audio collection: Audience & Crowd Reactions, a valuable addition to our ongoing commitment to delivering top-notch sound for your projects. This collection of ambisonic recordings offers an unmatched depth of authenticity, drawing from various human crowds and reactions to provide the ultimate resource for filmmakers, sound designers, and content creators.

One of the standout features of this library is our exclusive session at the Atletico de Madrid Metropolitano stadium, where we gathered a massive 150-people crowd for a recording experience like no other. This extraordinary event allowed us to capture the essence of a large-scale audience, making it a versatile resource for various projects in several sound design workflows.

The ambisonic format enhances the immersive quality of these recordings, enabling us to position and manipulate crowd reactions precisely within your 3D audio environment. This level of flexibility empowers you to create captivating, true-to-life soundscapes that captivate your audience and elevate your storytelling.

We understand the significance of realistic crowd reactions in your work, whether it’s building tension in a thriller, evoking euphoria in a sports documentary, or immersing players in a gaming experience. Our Audience & Crowd Reactions Library ensures that you have the authentic, high-quality resources needed to make your project stand out.

With this collection’s organized categorization and intuitive search features, you’ll effortlessly find the perfect crowd atmosphere for your project. This library offers an extensive range of reactions, from cheers to gasps, laughter to silence, and everything in between.

All the sounds that this collection is composed of have been obtained and recorded on an ambisonic format. Besides, all the recordings include metadata in English and Spanish, and they are compatible with software of sound library management like Soundminnner.

We have decoded all the First Order Ambisonic recordings with HarpeX plugin into 7.1.2 Dolby ATMOS bed configuration, using the top channel to create totally outstanding ambiences tracks ready to use!

All our libraries are UCS compliant ( In this new category system all files contain extensive metadata like file description, Category & Subcategory. Metadata can be read and processed by the most common audio libraries management tools . Starting with Full support from Soundminer and more audio tools adopting this system, we are adopting metadata UCS system in our files!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Ambisonics allows you to transcode the B-format files into a a lot of formats, (by using the free RODE DECODER plugin, the amazing Harpex B Converter , NoiseMakers tools or the new AudioBrewers plugins) – including stereo, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 or 7.1 surround and higher immersive formats!.
ambiX First Order Ambisonic, Dolby ATMOS 7.12, 5.1 and ST files have been mastered with Pro Tools 2021 Ultimate system, and are included in the purchase.




In this pack you will find great Audience & Crowd Reactions sounds in order to use it in your films, TV, VR & multimedia projects.

Total Runtime:+02h 00m

> 40 Ambiences / 10 GB
> 24 bit / 48 kHz
> Soundminer and BWAV extended metadata


All the files have metadata embebed for Soundminer and similar programs. They both include Spanish and English description.



Check PDF “Files List” for more information about the files included in SSL42.

Check COMPLETE COLLECTION METADATA for more information about the whole collection.